Home Page 2013

Transport & Logistics Smart mobility & Technology

The conference-exhibition Move.App Expo is dedicated to the technological innovation in transport and policies for the mobility of people and goods. Move.App Expo has the primary objective of representing the "Italian System" with special emphasis on the aspect of networking with European countries and emerging Mediterranean and Arabian Gulf areas.

Aim of the event is to support the initiatives for revitalizing the companies in the sector taking some common essential aspects:

  • the need for all actors to work synergically, as a system and strengthen international relationships as much as possible;
  • the strategic function of transport (private and public, over long and short distances), infrastructures and logistics, as a tool for developing exchange and the economy;
  • the central role of the Green Economy as a new driver for relaunching the economy and foundation for European and international economic policies.

Move.app Expo is structured in this way:

  • Specialistic conferences and workshops

  • Exhibition area close to the conference halls

  • B2B meetings

  • Test Drive and technical visits